Relationship between obstructive sleep apnea

Dr.-B.-Lipovetskiy (1)

The author of the article

Boris Lipovetskiy, DMD, 31 years experience

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  5. Relationship between obstructive sleep apnea

We would like to discuss the relationship between obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), chronic pain, headaches, TMJ and bruxsism.

Dentists have the opportunity to evaluate the oral airway at every visit and 1/3 of the adult population may have sleep disorder, breathing, SBD condition or jaw/facial pain disorder we can treat.

Dentists can find and control 3 things:

  1. Control inflammation
  2. Control mandibular parafunction
  3. Maintaining airway

Trauma is origin of osteoarthritis, changes to joint and facial pain.

Micro-trauma of maintaining airway and clenching, the result of chronic pain frequently is the source of this free radical generation, Patients fail to heel from micro-trauma injuries to the face and jaw.

Breathing is the brains highest priority to protect the human organs.

Night Guard can increase the number of apnea sensation of breathing and hypopnea reduction of blood oxygen 3-4%, resulting in an increase of carbomyde, medical conditions (Hypertension, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke).

Normal breathing is through the nose to help filtrate and moisturize, heated-combined with Nitroux Oxide prevent URI. Two biggest factors in success with oral appliance therapy for OSA are Body Mass Index (BMI) And Nasal airway resistance.

Signs and symptoms of OSA: Snoring, Fatigue, Lethargy, excessive daytime sleepiness, unrefreshing sleep, depression, morning headaches, GERD, migraines, thyroid problems, osteoarthritis, difficulty concentrating, other risk factors ( Diabetes, stroke, heart attack, )

Other Symptoms in children and adults: Snoring, restless sleep, increase sweating, mouth breathing, nightmares, bedwetting, ADHD, Earaches, headaches, bruxism, chronic headaches, TMJ problems, fatigue, muscle tightness, teeth soreness, nocturnal bruxism,

Teeth grinding and clenching while sleeping isn’t just annoying for your bed partner. It could also be what’s causing your headaches, jaw pain, and wearing down your teeth, called Nocturnal bruxism.

Why do people grind their teeth?

Can be caused by stress, and anxiety. It often occurs during sleep, abnormal bite or missing or crooked teeth can also cause sleep disorder such as sleep apnea.

OSA is a medical condition with a dental treatment. OSA can be treated by a dentist and a diagnosis of OSA MUST be bade by a physician trained in the field of sleep medicine.

MAD-Mandible Advancement Device will be used to treat your OSA by moving the jaw and tongue forward at night which acts to keep your airway open.

Dental issues: TMJ dysfunction, loose damaged fillings, jaw pain. Headaches, periodontal disease.