The author of the article
Boris Lipovetskiy, DMD, 31 years experience
You see, there are many things to know about a dead tooth. Medicine has been around for millenia, and thus, it has been through many changes in that time. Some forms of medicine that have been prevalent throughout history includes Ayurvedic medicine and Chinese acupuncture.
Chinese acupuncture appeared after the use of ayurvedic medicine. Chinese acupuncture involves the use of thin needles to stimulate certain points to balance the flow of energy in the body. These points have a strong influence on our organs through meridians.
These practices have been successfully used in treatments all over the world. However, few individuals are aware that teeth, just like pulse beat, or the energy meridians, are linked to our organs. As a result, there are many things to know about a dead tooth. Below are the details you need to know:
A Dead Tooth is Not Just a Dead Tooth
One of the things to know is that a dead tooth is an effect of underlying health conditions. Every tooth may be the beginning or end to a meridian that is connected to a certain organ. If we examine the incisors (the teeth between the canines) we will be able to evaluate the state of the urinary system and reproductive organs.
There is a very high correlation between tooth infection and underlying health problems of the connected organ. Recently a young man visited Advanced Dental Wellness Centre. He had quite deep cavities in one of his canines.
This is an extremely rare case as canines are some of the strongest teeth due to their function (ripping apart food), and thus have strong enamel. By nature, canines are not supposed to have cavities.
“Do you experience any problems with your reproductive organs?”. Immediately, the young man became bashful and told us that he had started experiencing these issues a few months prior.
I calmed him down and referred him to a specialist. In the meantime, we recommended that he get a ceramic implant. The tooth was located in the front area. Therefore, a ceramic implant was the best option from an aesthetical perspective.
Ceramic implants are biologically compatible with our bodies and do not cause any harm or negative side effects. And most importantly, patients go through a speedy recovery as Ceramic implants heal very fast. The patient was happy with an implant as we restored his bright smile.
So, this is one of the important things to know about a dead tooth. The problem originated within the body and the affected tooth was just a representation of what was happening on the inside.
Symptoms and Treatments
It is not always easy to identify a dead tooth just by looking at it. A dead tooth is a tooth that is no longer receiving a fresh blood supply. Only a dental professional can diagnose it.
In fact, the majority of people may not be aware that they have a dead tooth. The diagnostic requires a special electrical stimulation or sensory stimulation such as heat or cold to identify the tooth. Also, if the tooth is dead, it will often get darker in color, and most people do not notice a yellow, gray, or black discoloration.
Early treatment to fix a dead tooth is vital. There are two treatment options for a dead tooth. The first is a root canal treatment with ozone therapy and the second method is extraction or removal.
When removing the tooth, we always recommend using platelet-rich plasma (PRP)
to stimulate faster healing. Our team is always providing our patients with two options for a dead tooth treatment and explaining the benefits of each treatment.
However, we do recommend replacing a dead tooth with an implant if the tooth has a deep infection in the root canal. At Cosmetic Dental Center, we will provide you with an accurate diagnosis and information about your case in order to give you the ability to make the right and informed choices regarding your health.
Toxins Maybe Inside Dead Teeth
Typically, incisors (front teeth) have one root canal while molars and premolars (chewing teeth) have up to four canals. The length of one micro canal can be up to one mile. It is impossible for a dentist to clear the full micro canal and as a result, these micro canals start accumulating dead cells and toxic bacteria.
Moreover, the bacteria living in the dead teeth is very toxic and it can survive without oxygen. Since there is no blood flow into the dead tooth, even antibiotics cannot kill it. Our immune system is not able to destroy the toxic bacteria of dead teeth and therefore are forced to spend a lot of our resources to keep up with this infection.
This may lead eventually to immune system disorders and general health problems. If this does not happen immediately it will start happening 10-15 years later.
We Are Always Here For You
As holistic dentistry experts in Fort Lauderdale, we know the strength of the connection between our teeth and the body. Therefore, we can come up with the ultimate strategies and solutions to address your oral health.
Even if you decide to keep a dead tooth, we will use our holistic approach and ozone therapy to treat it as much as possible. It will give us more assurance that the tooth can remain a bit longer.
Our goal is to educate our patients and provide them with both positive and negative case scenarios regarding their situation.
When providing a recommendation, we consider two facts such as the general health of the person and the condition of the tooth itself. If we see that the tooth is on the borderline, we recommend replacing it with an implant as it will last much longer.
Replacing a dead tooth with an implant may not only be more beneficial for your health but also much more cost-effective as the person will avoid multiple procedures in the future. To replace dead teeth, we use special ceramic implants. You can read more about it by checking our blog article on ceramic implants.